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What are the differences between the ClassicPro, EnduroPro, and PrecisionPro pruning shears?

Apart from the technical specifications such as the capacity, style, and hand size, the difference lies in the type of pruning work each one is intended for. The ClassicPro pruner is the universal pruner for more general day-to-day and heavy pruning, made for medium to large-sized hands, with a cutting capacity of 1 inch and a straight angled head. The EnduroPro pruner is designed to neutralize wrist bending for increased comfort during long hours of pruning. It is made with vertical inclination which means that the hand and wrist are in a neutral position when pruning to reduce wrist injuries and hand fatigue. Meanwhile, the PrecisionPro pruner is intended for everyday light pruning and precision work, suitable for smaller to medium-sized hands.