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Explore a helpful list of the most commonly asked questions about our products.
21 articles

Where are your pruners/loppers made?

Our pruning shears (ClassicPro, EnduroPro, PrecisionPro) and loppers (PowerPro) are manufactured in Taiwan. Rest assured, all our products are made with high standards and undergo strict quality control protocols to maintain the highest quality, which you won’t find with low quality alternatives.

Do you have a contact number where I can reach you?

Yes we do! Our customer support team will be there to assist you. You may contact us on (702) 722-1487. Should we be unavailable to take your call, just leave your name and number and we’ll get in touch with you as soon as possible.

Where are your watering accessories made?

Our shut off valves, hose nozzles, and hose washers are manufactured in Taiwan. Rest assured, all our products are made with high standards and undergo strict quality control protocols to maintain the highest quality, which you won’t find with low quality alternatives.

What are the differences between the ClassicPro, EnduroPro, and PrecisionPro pruning shears?

Apart from the technical specifications such as the capacity, style, and hand size, the difference lies in the type of pruning work each one is intended for. The ClassicPro pruner is the universal pruner for more general day-to-day and heavy pruning, made for medium to large-sized hands, with a cutt...

What is the FitAdjust feature on your pruning shears?

All our pruner models have the FitAdjust feature which provides control in terms of how much the pruner will open. You can adjust the thumb lock such that the pruner can be in partially open or fully open position. This offers an advantage when cutting smaller branches as you can do quick snips with...

What is the small metal included in the pruner package?

The small tool included in the pruning shears package is used for adjusting the center bolt that controls the tension of the blade and also for unscrewing your pruner during cleaning and maintenance. You may refer to your product user guide for more information on how to use this tool.

How do I unlock my pruning shears?

To unlock your pruner, please squeeze the handles tightly together and turn the thumb lock in a slight counterclockwise direction, then release the handles. You may also refer to this video as a reference on how to do this:

Can your pruners be taken apart for cleaning?

All of our pruners are easy to take apart and clean for maintenance. Please refer to your product user guide for a simple step-by-step instructions along with a video demonstration on how to clean and maintain your pruning shears to keep them in top condition.

Do I need to sharpen the blade of my pruner or lopper?

Although our blade is made of premium grade Japanese steel with protective coating, frequent or intensive use may cause the blade to wear over time. When you feel that you need a little more effort to cut and the cuts are no longer clean or accurate, it may be time to sharpen the blade. We rec...

What oil should I use for my pruner / lopper blade?

To ensure smooth operation, it's best to keep your pruning shears and loppers well-maintained. After cleaning your tool, use a multipurpose lubrication oil such as 3-in-1 or WD40 to wipe down the joints and the blade. This adds another layer of protection against rust and also seals the blade du...

Can I use these pruning shears on both green wood and dead wood?

Our pruners (ClassicPro, EnduroPro, PrecisionPro), just like any other bypass pruners, work best on live or green wood. If you want to use them on dry or dead wood, caution must be taken to avoid damage to the blade. Always refer to your product user guide for our recommendations on the prop...

Do you have a pruner for left-handed individuals?

Our pruners are best fit for right-handed folks. However, some great feedback we receive are from our left-handed customers who find them comfortable and easy to use as well.

Are your blades replaceable?

Yes, the cutting blades of our pruners and loppers are easily replaceable. However, sharpening the blade is usually all you need to keep it in top condition. If you need to replace the blade, simply contact us directly and we'll send you a replacement. For instructions on how to replace the blade ...

Do you have replacement parts available for your pruners?

Our replacement blades are available for purchase on our Haus & Garten store. For other parts that are not readily available, please contact us directly at [email protected] and we will assist you accordingly.

Can I use a replacement part from another brand in the Haus & Garten pruning shears?

Although we've heard some customers say that they've tried a replacement blade and spring from another brand in the Haus & Garten pruner, we suggest you use the original Haus & Garten replacement parts. We can only guarantee our own products so it’s best to just contact us if you have a request for ...

Do your brass products contain Lead (Pb)?

As with most brass products, Lead is added in very small concentrations on our watering products to enhance the machinability of brass. These products are intended for non-drinking water applications only such as watering, washing, and cleaning purposes and not for use in potable water systems.

Why is my hose nozzle / hose splitter / shut off valve leaking?

A possible reason why your hose nozzle / hose splitter / shut off valve leaks is because the thread does not match your hose fitting. In such a case, you may experience leaks between the connections. To avoid this, make sure you are using standard GHT (garden hose thread) hose fittings. A w...

Does your hose nozzle / hose splitter / shut off valve rust?

Our brass products are resistant to rust. However due to oxidation, brass may tarnish over time and this reddish or greenish patina is often mistaken as rust. The good thing is that tarnish can easily be removed by cleaning it in warm soapy water and applying commercial brass cleaner or similar cl...

Can I use my hose splitter for hot water?

Our brass hose splitter is primarily intended for outdoor garden use. Although it can handle temperature ranges of 40ºF - 180ºF, the rubber washer inside may deteriorate faster with hot water.

What is the material of the ball valve in your hose splitter / shut off valve?

The ball valve is made of chromed brass material for rust-free, long lasting use.

Why is the thumb lock on my pruners loose?

The issue can be the spring washer in between the thumb lock screw that has worn out. This normally happens over time and tends to wear out with use. If the thumb lock has become loose due to this, it may be time to replace the washer. Please contact us to check the availability of this part.As an a...